lundi 9 mars 2009

. 32

Your debt to life is joy.

. 31

Optimism should be irrational.

. 30

Nihilism is the metaphysics of depression. 

samedi 7 mars 2009

. 29

Existence presupposes infinity. 

Fragment 30

Men become limited when they are conceived by their limitations. 

. 28

It is profoundly limiting not to conceive one's own limitations. 

. 27

Limitations indicate the limited within but also always the unlimited without. 

"Young man, it's turtles all the way down!"

. 26

Akzam 3ala aktaf ba3diha (Dwarves on the shoulders of dwarves...)
My impersonality is a sign of affection! it is the place where I will meet with you in perfect agreement.

mardi 3 mars 2009

. 23

The void before birth is a background against which one can perceive his own shape. 

Fragment 23

The first void is the background against which I can draw my own shape. 

. 22

Paradox is at the edge of the moment when we were not and became, when we become and will cease to be, of where we are and we are not. 

dimanche 1 mars 2009

. 21

Paradox is the envelop of the world. 

. 20

A world fully known is captivity.