dimanche 24 mai 2009

. 65

What is the geometry of pain? 

jeudi 21 mai 2009

. 64

From a conversation with a mathematician: 

- We start with the void, a state where there are no numbers. The void precedes ZERO; from this state we can make a group called the totality of the void. This group contains ZERO members; thus the number ZERO is generated. Then there is the group of the group of the void. This group contains ONE group, thus the number ONE is generated. Then the group of the group of the group of the void. This group contains TWO groups, thus the number TWO is generated, etc. Number can thus be generated infinitely.  To generate numbers we are not already presupposing numbers since numbers are simply symbols of groups. It is the groups that are fundamental in this instance. 

- The problem is that their is nothing within the original void that says we can jump towards something called "the group of the totality of the void". A "group" is already a generalization not contained within the original proposition itself. Furthermore, this external element is at least as "big" as the original proposition. It doesn't work as a fundamental explanation of the rise of numbers. 

. 63

Time is the negation of self-identity. 

. 62

Logic excludes time precisely because it is based on self-identity. 

. 61

Self-similarity is the fundamental symmetry of nature. 

dimanche 10 mai 2009

. 60

Whenever we attempt to capture ourselves, our would-be prison manages to escape.  We cannot help being free. 

. 59

Introspection is fundamentally a search for self-coincidence. 

. 58

Influence profoundly manifests not in adapting the same solutions but the same problems. 

jeudi 7 mai 2009

. 57

The illusion of self-knowledge lies in the illusion of self-coincidence. 

. 56

Whatever coincides with I is no longer I. 

. 55

I does not coincide with itself. 

. 54

We inhabit our emotions. 

. 53

The greatest modesty lies in knowing that sometimes we have to lie to ourselves. 

. 52

Limitation is sorrow (sorrow is limitation). 

. 51

Solutions aspire me.

. 50

A painting is not the history of its execution but the movement of its perception. 

. 49

Time like a wave that distorts things.

. 48

Does every emotional state carry its own transcendence? 

. 47

Stories told about us are impoverished versions of our lives.

. 46

An almost invisible intuition : 

The void is what does not reflect itself. 

The void is what does not coincide with itself.