mercredi 22 septembre 2010
jeudi 12 août 2010
mercredi 4 août 2010
jeudi 20 mai 2010
. 196
A bird's song, sounding beautiful to you is a warning to other birds in a constant territorial struggle; a tree growing majestically is trying to block sunlight and kill other trees (...) This field, as the whole world, is an incessant war zone, for heaven is and has always been a battlefield; so give thanks to all those who have hurt you, they stripped away your illusions.
samedi 24 avril 2010
samedi 17 avril 2010
dimanche 28 mars 2010
The Dead Man Shaft, Lascaux

According to one hypothesis, paintings of animals and geometric forms in paleolithic caves are representations of ecstatic visions brought about by shamanistic practices. The painting in the Shaft of the dead man is exceptional; one proposed possibility is that it is a portrait of a shaman having a vision. Furthermore, and if it is an auto-portrait, we might have the first evidence of auto-recursive thinking in the paleolithic; not a representation of a man having a vision but a man representing himself having a vision.
. 186
To say that something is inexpressible is to say something about language not about the thing itself.
jeudi 25 mars 2010
mardi 16 mars 2010
samedi 6 février 2010
. 181
To reflect upon non-being is senseless; but senselessness itself is the background against which we delimit ourselves. Without reflecting upon it we have no borders and conversely, no intuition of the totality beyond such borders.
. 179
Cosmology will fail until it accounts for being; if being is ungraspable, and being is the foundation of reality, then perhaps reality itself is ungraspable.
. 178
Whatever you reduce the world to there is constantly something that escapes; the act of reduction itself.
. 170
The motivation but also greatest error of introspection is to search for a psychological unmoved mover.
. 165
It is the particularity of theism to see symbols as things produced outside the world, i.e. without investment from the world.
. 162
We inhabit the world as we inhabit our thoughts. (Or, when we inhabit the world we inhabit our thoughts.)
. 155
A pragmatic question : if belief in an unreal world was more pragmatically efficient than the belief in a real one, which one would be true?
jeudi 21 janvier 2010
samedi 16 janvier 2010
vendredi 15 janvier 2010
mardi 12 janvier 2010
lundi 11 janvier 2010
samedi 9 janvier 2010
mercredi 6 janvier 2010
vendredi 1 janvier 2010
. 133
Two exercises in nihilism; to consider the utter perfection that follows from the universe's purposelessness and reflect on the illusion of transcendental purpose.
. 131
Everything is a perfect expression of its own conditions. Imperfection is only related to purpose.
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