dimanche 14 décembre 2008


- This slow thing we call self.


- Merging with our own disappearance.

- Its what’s thinking but is what’s thinking thought? Its what’s talking but is what’s talking talk?


- Its all made up of voids and the edges of voids.

- Alors si c'est comme ça, il y a un silence parfait autour de moi. 

- Things happen to me and things happen as me.


- We are part of the totality of what is not us. (The materialist view.)


A variation on Augustines' paradox of time:


To be conscious is to be unconscious of the present moment. If you are conscious of the present then it is already past; the present is thus the limits of consciousness. It is also its condition of possibility since it is the presupposition of the existence of consciousness.  Given that past and future as objects of consciousness presuppose the present  then if I am to exist as consciousness it must be in the now. (Even if the present is only indirectly visible as the presupposition of past and present.)


Consciousness is the coincidence of being present – both in the sense of being present and of time of presence.


The present is eternal, unchanging.


The present is before and after change.


The present is aware of change.


Awareness is present, having as its fundamental object the past and the future.


The eternal present is nothing more than space.


Is the nature of reality spatial?


Consciousness negates the present as time.


Consciousness perceives the present as space.




- My inability to represent needs to be represented.


- The dimension of something is a function of how much you are concentrating on it.


- Perhaps we are not only the center but also the limits of the world.


- Your debt to life is joy.


- The fundamental affirmation of reality is that I am.


- It is not not itself.


- Life is coagulated energy.


- On contemporary art: Once it extended itself so much into the world the artwork disappeared.


- Only the present exists. (The Stoics)



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