- We are limited and circumscribed by the unthinkable.
- All presence is the presence of an absence.
- I am searching for adapted manners.
- Does truth depend on itself?
- Being is an infinite regression of resistance.
- What exist is what can actually or potentially resist something. So for existence to exist, something must resist something. But the latter thing must already exist in order to give resistance. Why does it exist? Because of prior resistance. Infinite regression is the paradox founding existence.
- The universe is entirely true!
- The universe is infinitely true.
- I hear sounds too loudly.
- Perhaps the real lesson of nihilism is the infinite value of life.
- The unthinkable constantly recreates us.
- Je ne pense pas, “je” est pensé.
- I am escaping the responsibility of the sacred.
- I transform absence into cosmology.
- The absolute is unspeakable.
- I perceive a new order vaguely.
- I don’t know how I know.
- Les êtres humains transforment les choses en conscience. Les transforment pour qu’ils entrent dans la conscience d’autrui. Transforment les choses pour transformer leurs conscience d’eux.
- The origin of life is in volcanoes. (Something Heraclites would enjoy.)
- Le paraitre est une forme d’être qui rejette de ses facettes vers un autre hypothétique.
- Aesthetics are manners.
- My greatest regret is that I don’t have enough time.
- Avec les autres, faites parler vos silences.
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