mercredi 23 décembre 2009

. 128

The mysterious must be earned through reason.

samedi 19 décembre 2009

. 127

The mysterious is the source of all beauty.

vendredi 18 décembre 2009

. 126

Does the succession of instants obey causality or does the succession of instants obey causality?

mercredi 16 décembre 2009

. 125

Eternity is the enemy.

. 125

Les interprètes sont le premier publique d'un compositeur.

. 124

L'univers est le contrair du désespoir.

. 123

There will be an infinity of things I am not.

mercredi 2 décembre 2009

. 122

The observation of the mental state is part of the mental state.

vendredi 27 novembre 2009

. 121

Our own mind is something we have to deal with, sometimes as respectfully as a dangerous enemy.

jeudi 26 novembre 2009

. 120

Laughter is a statement on the limitation of things.

mardi 17 novembre 2009

. 119

Paradox is the envelope of the world.

. 118

A paradox is the conflict between a global potential and its local actualization.

. 117

Totality is and is not part of itself.

. 116

The fundamental opposition has always been between looking at oneself as totality and as part of it.

dimanche 15 novembre 2009

. 115

If the world is all that there is, is everywhere the equivalent of nowhere?

samedi 7 novembre 2009

. 114

The world can only be thought from within.

. 113

The void is unstable.

. 112

Search for silence within the roar of the flames.

dimanche 1 novembre 2009

. 111

Hell is this place, where even pain is delegitimized.

vendredi 23 octobre 2009

. 110

Every psychological state is an attempt at a solution.

mercredi 21 octobre 2009

. 109

A question about theories concerning Genesis stating that somehow or another it symbolizes evolution: If knowledge about the theory of evolution had been available when the book of Genesis was written, would evolution have been symbolized in this way?

jeudi 8 octobre 2009

. 107

Religion is the attempt to relate our fundamentally personal experience of the world to its fundamental impersonality.

lundi 5 octobre 2009

. 106

Meaning can be produced not just through the combination of ideas but also through the combination of elements of the senses.

. 105

I have accumulated predictability and called it wisdom.

mercredi 30 septembre 2009

. 104

Totality has no shape for whatever has shape presupposes and is limited by, a background.

vendredi 24 juillet 2009

. 103

It is misleading to talk of time as if it is an object. Time is precisely non-objecthood in that every object in as much as it is an object must coincide with itself. 

. 102

Even the Gods must bow to the forces of indifference. 

. 101

The confusion between art and art history often leads to false evaluation of artists. An artist making an important art historical statement - as in Malevich's Black Square - is not necessarily making an important artistic statement.  

. 99

The foundation of every thought, the solution of every proposition, the management of every tension can be solved by perceiving that things simply exist. 

. 98

Every thought is a desire. 

. 97

Desire imposes a simultaneity on time. 

. 100

Religion can be like watching a movie, you know its fiction but you don't want somebody sitting next to you constantly reminding you of that fact.

. 96

Even an auto-referential proposition does not coincide with itself in time. Auto referentiality is only problematic as a form of self-coincidence. 

. 95

L'axiome est un principe qui se réfère à lui même pour sa propre justification. 

. 94

In every attempt to control thought there is a meta-thought that escapes control. 

. 97

Penser les dieux d'une manière immanante c'est dire qu'ils sont la plénitude des choses (ou de certaines choses). 

. 93

Contemporary art is often creation from the edge of boredom. 

. 93

Contemporary art is often creation from the edge of boredome. 

mardi 14 juillet 2009

. 92

A logical object is precisely an object in that it coincides with itself. 

dimanche 12 juillet 2009

. 91

Space is that which coincides with itself. Time is that which does not. 

. 90

Logic is based on the premiss than an object always coincides with itself. That necessarily excludes temporality since the proposition "object X in time A" is not the same as "object X in time B".

. 89

We often produce knowledge to protect our sometimes-necessary capacity for untruth. 

. 88

Whatever does not coincide with itself is whatever resists generalization. It is fundamentally indescribable even by the current propositions. 

. 87

Singularity escapes generality into infinite complexity. 

. 86

An object in time does not coincide with itself. 

. 85

Even the most universal laws are singular. 

. 84

A generalization that does not negate itself is poverty. 

. 83

That which does not coincide with itself forever escapes generalizations. 

. 82

The ultimate thing we can say about anything is that it exists. Beyond that all is mystery. 

. 82

The ultimate thing we can say about anything is that it exists. Beyond that all is mystery. 

. 81

We make noise to surround and give shape to the silence at the center. 

. 80

The greatest resistance one can offer pain is to recognize that it is true. 

. 79

It is very hard to remember that we don't control truth but that it controls us. 

. 78

Why should I ask questions about truth? Why shouldn't truth ask questions about me? 

. 77

Truth is larger than reality since it can determine what is real, what is not, what can be real and what cannot. 

. 76

Whatever is able to impose itself as beyond inquiry gains control. 

. 75

The refusal to generalize transforms the world into something unbearably beautiful. 

. 74

It is a matter of immense consolation that truth can resist any inquiry, no matter how violent. 

mardi 30 juin 2009

. 73

That which is its own causality can only be the totality of all causalities. 

lundi 29 juin 2009

. 72

Some things exist only when half known. 

vendredi 26 juin 2009

. 71

A thing-in-itself is a thing collapsing in on itself. 

samedi 13 juin 2009

. 70

There is no time in mathematics, only directions of deductions. 

mardi 9 juin 2009

. 69

What is not is the limit of what is. 

. 68

Without emotions we are strangers to ourselves. 

. 67

Emotions are what relate ideas to themselves. 

. 66

The greatest violence we can do to a story is not to let it end. 

dimanche 24 mai 2009

. 65

What is the geometry of pain? 

jeudi 21 mai 2009

. 64

From a conversation with a mathematician: 

- We start with the void, a state where there are no numbers. The void precedes ZERO; from this state we can make a group called the totality of the void. This group contains ZERO members; thus the number ZERO is generated. Then there is the group of the group of the void. This group contains ONE group, thus the number ONE is generated. Then the group of the group of the group of the void. This group contains TWO groups, thus the number TWO is generated, etc. Number can thus be generated infinitely.  To generate numbers we are not already presupposing numbers since numbers are simply symbols of groups. It is the groups that are fundamental in this instance. 

- The problem is that their is nothing within the original void that says we can jump towards something called "the group of the totality of the void". A "group" is already a generalization not contained within the original proposition itself. Furthermore, this external element is at least as "big" as the original proposition. It doesn't work as a fundamental explanation of the rise of numbers. 

. 63

Time is the negation of self-identity. 

. 62

Logic excludes time precisely because it is based on self-identity. 

. 61

Self-similarity is the fundamental symmetry of nature. 

dimanche 10 mai 2009

. 60

Whenever we attempt to capture ourselves, our would-be prison manages to escape.  We cannot help being free. 

. 59

Introspection is fundamentally a search for self-coincidence. 

. 58

Influence profoundly manifests not in adapting the same solutions but the same problems. 

jeudi 7 mai 2009

. 57

The illusion of self-knowledge lies in the illusion of self-coincidence. 

. 56

Whatever coincides with I is no longer I. 

. 55

I does not coincide with itself. 

. 54

We inhabit our emotions. 

. 53

The greatest modesty lies in knowing that sometimes we have to lie to ourselves. 

. 52

Limitation is sorrow (sorrow is limitation). 

. 51

Solutions aspire me.

. 50

A painting is not the history of its execution but the movement of its perception. 

. 49

Time like a wave that distorts things.

. 48

Does every emotional state carry its own transcendence? 

. 47

Stories told about us are impoverished versions of our lives.

. 46

An almost invisible intuition : 

The void is what does not reflect itself. 

The void is what does not coincide with itself. 

samedi 18 avril 2009

. 45

Every instance of self-awareness escapes itself. 

. 44

Forever contemplating my escape. 

vendredi 10 avril 2009

. 43

Assuming it is, why is reality inevitable? 

. 42

Every situation tends towards the unknowable. 

. 41

Self-resistance leads to self-differentiation. 

. 40

Pale Plato...

. 39

Love is an energy pointing beyond itself. 

. 38

Reality cannot be if it lacks the ability to perceive itself as reality given that self-perception is part of reality. 

mercredi 1 avril 2009

. 37

Reality is a progression of self-resistance. 

. 36

What is real is what resists. 

. 35

Mind presupposes itself. 

. 34

Self awareness forever escapes itself. 

. 33

Luminous fog

lundi 9 mars 2009

. 32

Your debt to life is joy.

. 31

Optimism should be irrational.

. 30

Nihilism is the metaphysics of depression. 

samedi 7 mars 2009

. 29

Existence presupposes infinity. 

Fragment 30

Men become limited when they are conceived by their limitations. 

. 28

It is profoundly limiting not to conceive one's own limitations. 

. 27

Limitations indicate the limited within but also always the unlimited without. 

"Young man, it's turtles all the way down!"

. 26

Akzam 3ala aktaf ba3diha (Dwarves on the shoulders of dwarves...)
My impersonality is a sign of affection! it is the place where I will meet with you in perfect agreement.

mardi 3 mars 2009

. 23

The void before birth is a background against which one can perceive his own shape. 

Fragment 23

The first void is the background against which I can draw my own shape. 

. 22

Paradox is at the edge of the moment when we were not and became, when we become and will cease to be, of where we are and we are not. 

dimanche 1 mars 2009

. 21

Paradox is the envelop of the world. 

. 20

A world fully known is captivity. 

samedi 28 février 2009

. 19

Paradox is the envelope of our mind. 

. 18

Intelligence is originally the intelligibility of the world. 

vendredi 20 février 2009

. 17

Every thought hides its own impermenance.

. 16

I am acting in the face of the totality of my own dissapearance.

. 15

I am constantly telling stories about myself to myself in the face of their ultimate dissapearance.

mardi 10 février 2009

. 14

To live in society, there is an amount of pain we consent to each other. 

Part of our misunderstandings are the differences in the amounts. 

jeudi 5 février 2009

. 13

...the irrationality of sanity. 

mardi 27 janvier 2009

. 12

The distance between fables and reality is pain. 

dimanche 11 janvier 2009

. 11

While alive I was told a story about life.

vendredi 9 janvier 2009


vendredi 2 janvier 2009

. 10

Silence can be the background of an artwork, but in great art, the artwork is background to a silence.

Glenn Gould's Goldberg Variations

The first recording by Glenn Gould of Bach’s Goldberg Variations was in 1955; in it he emphasized the notes, during the second in 1981, silence between the notes.

Silence is never the same; it gets contaminated by what surrounds it. The silence among sad people is not the same as among happy ones (the same applies to different and differing notes or colors).

Changes in the duration of silence contaminates and changes the meaning of elements surrounding it. Too long a silence can express anger, shyness, something going right, something going wrong.