vendredi 27 novembre 2009

. 121

Our own mind is something we have to deal with, sometimes as respectfully as a dangerous enemy.

jeudi 26 novembre 2009

. 120

Laughter is a statement on the limitation of things.

mardi 17 novembre 2009

. 119

Paradox is the envelope of the world.

. 118

A paradox is the conflict between a global potential and its local actualization.

. 117

Totality is and is not part of itself.

. 116

The fundamental opposition has always been between looking at oneself as totality and as part of it.

dimanche 15 novembre 2009

. 115

If the world is all that there is, is everywhere the equivalent of nowhere?

samedi 7 novembre 2009

. 114

The world can only be thought from within.

. 113

The void is unstable.

. 112

Search for silence within the roar of the flames.

dimanche 1 novembre 2009

. 111

Hell is this place, where even pain is delegitimized.